Summary of Green Initiatives
All Time Summary of Fenton Vet Green Initiatives
- Cardboard box re-use for dispensing farm drug orders.
- Sterilium alcohol rub used for sterile preparation of surgeon's hands. A faster process so reducing anaesthetic time, and water-free; saving on large volumes of water use.
- 2020 Teracycle recycling box for COVID masks and gloves
- Collection of bubble wrap/similar and gifted to Paul Sartori charity for them to re-use.
- Summer 2021 Created a “going green” Whatsapp, started using bamboo or recycled paper toilet rolls throughout practice, re-usable drapes and gowns for operations, bought all clinical staff their own re-usable theatre cap.
- Started an ongoing review of anaesthetic protocols, particularly with a view to ‘lower flow anaesthesia' which not only reduces the overall use of bottled oxygen, but also reduces isoflurane use which is an essential anaesthetic gas, but an environmental pollutant.
- 1 December 2023 Stock re-usable endo-tracheal tube ties in preference to single use gauze bandaging.
- 2023 Participated in XL vets carbon calculation project.
- 11 November 2024 Old PCs replaced in practice; cleaned, cleared and recycled for personal staff use at home.
- 2025
- 16 Jan 2025 Renewed “going green” group, and efforts to continue initiatives.
- 23 Jan 2025 Directors approved an annual total budget of £1500 towards our environmental and sustainability goals. Ie implementing measures that have a good environmental benefit, but net cost to change.
- 27 Jan 2025 New Policy to encourage owners to bring urine samples to initial appointments if presenting cases for urinary or diabetes concerns. Reducing travel compared to presenting samples at a different time.
- Pembroke Dock branch to reduce packaging for routine surgical kits by including towel clamps.